
Device Orientation

getUserMedia get Dominant Colour

Dominant Colour

Srcset and sizes - part ii

Second Demo getting my head around the srcset and sizes syntax

Srcset and sizes attributes

Now that I've covered picture element, I'll move to srcset and sizes attributes

Picture element and image format switching

Want to serve webp to browsers that support, with easy fallback for those that don't? Here's how.

Picture element and nx in srcset

Trying out other aspects of picture element

Picture element and Picturefill Demo

Testing out picturefill and picture element

jQuery Carousel v3

My third attempt at creating a carousel with jQuery.

jQuery Carousel v2

My second attempt at creating a carousel with jQuery.

jQuery Carousel

My first attempt at creating a carousel with jQuery.

Responsive Nav (CSS!)

Get the nav to be lined up on the right hand side

Events 201

jQuery Events following the jQuery in 30 days course

Events 101

jQuery Events following the jQuery in 30 days course

Require JS with Bower

Trying out another requirejs tutorial

jQuery Tabs

My first attempt at creating a tabbed interface with jQuery.

jQuery Tabs v2

My second attempt at creating a tabbed interface with jQuery.