
November Update

I've been busy learning a lot of stuff

Raspberry Pi

Continue with Raspberry Pi

Open Source Challenge

switching from iTerm and Sublime Text to Open Source alternatives

Summer Sweaty Humid

Sweaty Summer Humid

Arthur Started Crawling

Arthur began crawling this morning

Arthur Hudson

Announcing the Arrival of Arthur Hudson

Saturday Morning

Beautiful Saturday Morning on the Sofa

Node and Arduino

Learning Node and using Arduino

Thirty Seven Weeks

Tick-tock-tick-tock 15 days left until due date.

Thirty Six Weeks

Less than 4 weeks until my wife is due to give birth.

Thirty Two Weeks

Less than 8 weeks until my wife is due to give birth.

Two to Become Three

Marion is pregnant with our first child.


Keta - n. an image that inexplicably leaps back into your mind from the distant past.

Mourning England

World Cups come and go, this year more quickly than others, especially for England fans.

Paxman vs. Boris

Paxman interviews Boris from the back of a tandam while riding round London

If this then that

I love ifttt, here's why

World Cup Brasil 2014

Finally its here, the world cup!

10-day Github Streak

10-day streak on github is nothing but for me it marked a new record.

2-year Wedding Anniversary

Today marks 2 years since my beautiful wife Marion and I got married in Pons, France

Run to Work Friday

I ran to work this morning because we are going away this weekend and I couldn't leave my bike at work.

Blue Sunny Day

Looking out of the window at an incredible blue and sunny day

Running again

Last night I ran 5.5 miles, and discovered a new route

Changing File Permissions on OSX

I wanted to find out how to create a read-only file, and here's how I did it.

Pre Summer Robotics

I've only gone and bought some electronics and an arduino, let's get it on!

Sunday Morning

Coffee, music, time of the week

Choosing Where to Write

Too many choices lead to indecision.

Testing out

Testing out to create a post.